What’s Making My Biscuits and Muffins Taste Bitter? (2024)

Christine Gallary

Christine GallaryFood Editor-at-Large

Christine graduated from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France, and she has worked at Cook's Illustrated and CHOW.com. She lives in San Francisco and loves teaching cooking classes. Follow her latest culinary escapades on Instagram.


updated May 1, 2019




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Q: Sometimes when I bake, the finished product has a yellowish tint to it and is slightly bitter. This is most noticeable when I make biscuits or muffins, and it seems hit or miss whether this happens or not.

I’ve always attributed it to too much baking powder, but I’m not sure this is the culprit. Any ideas?

Sent by Charlene

Editor: Yes, chemical leavening agents like baking powder can impart a bitter taste! Try using less next time and see if it makes a difference.

Readers, what do you think is making the baked goods taste bitter and turn a yellowish color?

What’s Making My Biscuits and Muffins Taste Bitter? (2024)


What’s Making My Biscuits and Muffins Taste Bitter? ›

Since biscuits, scones and shortcakes should not be overmixed, it's very important to mix dry ingredients together well before cutting in the fat. If they are not well mixed, there can be pockets or lumps of ingredients; this is particularly true with leavening, which can lead to bitter or off flavors.

Why do my biscuits taste bitter? ›

Since biscuits, scones and shortcakes should not be overmixed, it's very important to mix dry ingredients together well before cutting in the fat. If they are not well mixed, there can be pockets or lumps of ingredients; this is particularly true with leavening, which can lead to bitter or off flavors.

Why do my muffins taste bitter? ›

Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) is the raising agent and this can sometimes taste bitter or soapy if the wrong quantity is used. Make sure that you measure the bicarbonate of soda with a proper 1 teaspoon/5ml measuring spoon and the spoon measurement should be level.

How do you get rid of bitter taste in baking? ›

Try a pinch of baking soda.

Baking soda is very alkaline, which is a good way to correct overly bitter dishes. Sprinkle just a pinch into your food and mix it in well to see if that helps. This is a good trick for if you're cooking and realize that you added too much of a bitter ingredient.

What is the solution for discolored and bitter tasting biscuits? ›

baking powder that has gone bad or is used in excess can result in chemical aftertaste and discoloration inyour biscuits. solution:to avoid this,make sure to measure your baking powder accurately and to use fresh ingredients. if you suspect that your baking powder is old,its better to replace it.

How do you neutralize a bitter taste? ›

The Fix: Balance bitter flavors by introducing something salty, sweet, or sour. For naturally bitter foods such as kale, you can soften the flavor by add a lemony vinaigrette, Parmesan cheese, and pomegranate seeds. You can also elevate kale by tossing it olive oil and salt, then roasting it in the oven until crispy.

Can baking powder make things taste bitter? ›

This is most noticeable when I make biscuits or muffins, and it seems hit or miss whether this happens or not. I've always attributed it to too much baking powder, but I'm not sure this is the culprit. Any ideas? Editor: Yes, chemical leavening agents like baking powder can impart a bitter taste!

What absorbs bitter taste? ›

Adding a little sweetness will, of course, make bitter foods more palatable, so try adding a teaspoon of honey or brown sugar to a salad dressing. Also, adding a little olive oil and lemon juice to bitter greens, such as kale, helps to reduce bitterness.

Does vinegar help bitter taste? ›

One of the best foils for bitter flavors are acidic ingredients, like citrus juices or vinegars. Their sharp tang counteracts bitter flavors without having to add extra sugar.

What solution tastes bitter? ›

Baking soda, toothpaste, indigestion tablets, etc are bitter in taste. If you rub its solution between fingers, it feels soapy. Substances like these which are bitter in taste and feel soapy on touching are known as bases. The chemical nature of such substances is basic.

At what temperature should biscuits be baked? ›

A hot oven helps biscuits bake—and rise—quickly. We recommend 475˚F for 15 minutes.

Why do my banana muffins taste bitter? ›

That slightly bitter, kinda “tinny” flavor you often experience when biting into a muffin, biscuit or scone is the result of using a baking powder in high quantities — as is needed for these quick-rise treats — with aluminum in it.

What happens if you mix muffins too much? ›

Overmixing batter can lead to tough muffins

Overmixing batter can inhibit that, ending with dense muffins instead of fluffy. This happens when you mix for too long. It can destroy air bubbles that are necessary for a light and airy texture (via The Kitchn).

Why does dough taste bitter? ›

Yeast is bitter, naturally. If you just tossed a big lump of active dry yeast in the dough, it will be bitter.

Why does my cookie dough taste bitter? ›

Baking soda helps cookies spread outward and upward while cooking. Adding too little can cause flat, lumpy cookies. Adding too much can lend a bitter taste to the cookies.

Why does my whole wheat flour taste bitter? ›

One of the telltale signs of old or stale whole wheat flour is its bitter taste. As the bran in the flour becomes rancid, it imparts an unpleasant bitterness to your baked goods. This bitterness can overpower the natural flavors of your recipes and leave a less-than-pleasant aftertaste.

Which is more bitter, baking soda or baking powder? ›

Because of baking soda's bitter taste, it must be paired with a sweeter tasting acidic compound. Baking soda is most commonly used in cookie and muffin recipes. Baking powder, however, already contains an acid and a base and has a more neutral taste, which works great when baking cakes and bread.

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