Most popular food in America US 2022 | Statista (2024)

As of Q3 2022, hamburgers, mashed potatoes, and cheeseburgers were the most popular American dishes in the United States. About 84 percent of respondents had a positive opinion of each of the three dishes.

Burger restaurants sector

Burgers remain to be among the most popular American dishes. The restaurant options for consumers vary from fast-food burgers in lower price segments to high-quality beef burgers in more expensive sit-down restaurants. Some restaurants also offer plant-based vegetarian or vegan burgers. There are approximately 89,000 businesses in the burger restaurant sector in the U.S. The market size of that sector is estimated to be approximately 150 billion U.S. dollars and employment continues to grow. About 2,289 people were employed in the burger restaurant sector in 2021 , as compared to about 1,818 people in 2012.

Drive-thrus in quick-service burger restaurants

A popular way to consume burgers is at quick-service burger chain restaurants. In the U.S., McDonald’s is the leading quick-service burger restaurant chain, generating more than four times as much revenue in systemwide sales as its next two competitors Wendy’s and Burger King, respectively. While burgers and other options on the McDonald’s menu can be eaten at a table within the restaurant, many customers also use the drive-thru option. It takes slightly less than five minutes at McDonald’s to order, purchase, and receive an option from the menu. By comparison, the fastest drive-thru restaurant is Taco Bell, where it takes about three minutes and forty seconds on average for customers. Many drive-thru restaurants now offer order confirmation boards, where customers can see the menu on a screen while making an order. With a share of almost 80 percent each, Taco Bell and McDonald’s have the highest share of order confirmation boards in the U.S. across their drive-thru restaurants in place.

Most popular food in America US 2022 | Statista (2024)


What is the most eaten food in America 2022? ›

As of Q3 2022, hamburgers, mashed potatoes, and cheeseburgers were the most popular American dishes in the United States. About 84 percent of respondents had a positive opinion of each of the three dishes.

What is the most popular food in the United States of America? ›

1. Hamburger. Foodies all around the country have a particular place in their stomachs and hearts for the hamburger, which is commonly recognized as an icon of American cuisine.

What is the #1 food eaten in the world? ›

Rice is a food staple for more than 3.5 billion people around the world, particularly in Asia, Latin America, and parts of Africa. Rice has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years. Scientists believe people first domesticated rice in India or Southeast Asia.

What was the most ordered food in 2022? ›

Burrito is the top order of the year

2022 delivered the burrito in the no. 1 spot as diners stuck to the comfort that layered gooey goodness. Jumping all the way from no. 8 last year, diners packed their burritos with everything from sausage and eggs to guac and sour cream more than 4 million times.

What is America's main food? ›

Highlights of American cuisine include milkshakes, barbecue, and a wide range of fried foods. Many quintessential American dishes are unique takes on food originally from other culinary traditions, including pizza, hot dogs, and Tex-Mex.

What culture food is eaten the most? ›

Chinese restaurants are the most common eateries found across the most visited cities in the world. It is easy to see why Chinese cuisine is sought after by many worldwide; – the unique flavors coupled with several healthy options, Chinese food has something for everyone.

What is the most popular takeout food in the US? ›

Pizza is the king of takeout, right? And you would be correct. Ignoring interest in other types of Italian food, pizza has actually been the most popular type of takeout in every single state over the last two months or so.

What is America's national dish? ›

The United States does not officially have a designated national dish, but hamburgers and Apple Pie are unofficial national dishes of USA due to their popularity and widespread consumption across the country. Hamburger is the most popular dish in America due to its popularity.

Which country is no. 1 in food? ›

Italy. Italy is the number one country having the best food in the world. It's difficult to talk about Italian food, it's easier to enjoy it. The original shades of Italian cuisine – green, red and yellow always produce a wonderful blend of taste and flavor.

What is the number 1 fast food in the world 2022? ›

McDonald's is the largest fast-food chain.

What is the most eaten snack in the US? ›

Rice Krispies Treats Are America's Most Popular Snack.

What is America's favorite fast food? ›

McDonald's is still the most popular fast food brand in America today—with $46 billion in systemwide sales last year.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.