3-Ingredient Shortbread Cookies Recipe (2024)

About My 3-Ingredient, No-Spread, Shortbread Cookies Recipe

Shortbread cookies are one of the most delicious holiday cookies, and they’re also probably the easiest to make! This recipe gives cookies that are super buttery, and literally melt-in-your-mouth. The base recipe has only three ingredients, yet still leaves lots of room to get creative—it works beautifully with a variety of mix-ins such as lemon zest, chocolate chips, dried fruit and nuts.

I designed the recipe so that these cookies hold their shapes perfectly as they bake. So, you can get creative making different shapes and designs and get stunning results!

This recipe is taken from my cookbook, Simple Pleasures.

Why this recipe works

I designed this shortbread recipe so that the cookies will hold their shapes and patterns beautifully when they bake. To enable this, there are a few differences to many traditional Scottish shortbread recipes.

In particular, I’m using powdered sugar (icing sugar) rather than the traditional granulated sugar. The powdered sugar gives the cookies a fine texture, and helps them retain a precise shape as they bake. It does this in a couple of ways.

First, the fine powder dissolves into the butter quickly. This is important because we want to work quickly so as not to incorporate air into the mixture, otherwise the cookies will puff up and not keep their precise shapes when they bake.

Second, powdered sugar contains corn starch (to stop the powered sugar setting solid in its packaging). This gives us another benefit for the recipe. The polysaccharides that make up cornstarch interrupt the gluten network in the shortbread dough, reducing its elasticity, and helping to prevent the cookies from spreading out as they bake.

What is the secret to making good shortbread?

It’s the combination of lots of good, salty butter and sugar which gives shortbread cookies their amazing flavor. Use the best quality butter you can find – the better it is, the more delicious your shortbread will be. Under no circ*mstances use “spreadable from the fridge” products. You must use butter that is solid when in the fridge.

What is the difference between a butter cookie and a shortbread cookie?

The difference between butter cookies and shortbread cookies is the amount butter in the recipe vs the amount of sugar. Butter cookies typically are made using more sugar and less butter than shortbread. Shortbread cookies contain more butter, which gives them their amazing crumbly, melt-in-your-mouth texture.

What are common mistakes when making shortbread?

The most common mistakes when making shortbread are over-working the dough, and incorporating too much flour. The less you work the dough, the more crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth your shortbread cookies will be. When you’re working the dough, try to avoid incorporating extra flour, because it will throw the recipe off and make the cookies tough.

Get creative with cutters, stamps, molds, and embossed rolling pins

By mixing and matching different cookie cutters, cookie stamps, molds and more, you can make a stunning range of unique cookies. For example, combining a circular cookie cutter with a snowflake stamp makes it easy to create snowflake shortbread cookies.

Then, you can take the idea a stage further to cut out holes, to make sandwich cookies where the filling e.g. jam, shows through.

Or, use cookie molds to create beautiful, intricately patterned cookies in a few seconds. For example, this pine cone cookie.

Some ideas for shortbread mix-ins / additions

Shortbread is really flexible when it comes to mix-ins and other additions. I love adding pistachios or chocolate chips. Dried cranberries and pecans is a combination that work well, and is very festive. You could also try peanuts or walnuts and raisins. Chopped up pieces of preserved ginger in syrup (stem ginger) are another delicious add-on.

Another great addition is to scent the shortbread using citrus. Grated lemon, orange and clementine zest all work really well. Similarly, if you like spices, adding vanilla extract, ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon or ground ginger can be delicious.

Sprinkling the shortbread with granulated sugar before baking is also delicious and traditional.

Finally, dipping shortbread in melted white, milk or dark chocolate is a delicious addition.

Make Ahead and Freeze

Once the shortbread cookies have been baked and are fully cool, store them rigid airtight containers. They will keep for up to 5 days at room temperature. They can be frozen in the airtight containers for up to 3 months. To defrost, take the cookies out of their containers and place on a wire rack at room temperature for about an hour.

Unbaked shortbread dough freezes well. Covered tightly with plastic wrap and freeze for up to 3 months. Defrost the unbaked dough in the fridge over night before rolling out and shaping the cookies.

3-Ingredient Shortbread Cookies Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to making good shortbread cookies? ›

Tips To Make the Best Shortbread Cookies
  1. Choose High Quality Butter. No matter what brand of butter you buy, if it's real butter, you can rest assured that it's the best. ...
  2. Keep Ingredients Simple. ...
  3. Add Flavor. ...
  4. Don't Overwork. ...
  5. Shape Dough. ...
  6. Chill Before Baking. ...
  7. Bake Until Golden. ...
  8. Add Finishing Touches.

What is the mistake in making shortbread? ›

The most common mistakes when making shortbread are over-working the dough, and incorporating too much flour. The less you work the dough, the more crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth your shortbread cookies will be.

Is powdered sugar or granulated sugar better for shortbread? ›

Confectioner's sugar.

This is the secret to the tender texture and perfect sweetness of these cookies.

What happens if you add too much butter to shortbread cookies? ›

Butter is an emulsifier and it makes cookies tender. It also adds in the crispy-around-the-edges element. Adding too much butter can cause the cookies to be flat and greasy. Adding too little butter can cause the cookies to be tough and crumbly.

What not to do when making shortbread? ›

The key with shortbread is not to overhandle it. Make the dough exactly as instructed, but don't mess around making shapes or over rolling the dough - you will end up with delicious but tough biscuits. Stretching and pulling the dough activates the gluten in the flour, making chewy cookies and not crisp ones.

Why do you put cornstarch in shortbread cookies? ›

Cornstarch provides the shortbread with structure, but its biggest job is keeping the cookies extra soft, tender, and light. I love adding a small amount to chocolate chip cookies too. Optional Coarse Sugar Topping: For an optional sparkly crunch on your shortbread wedges, add a sprinkle of coarse sugar before baking.

What happens if you don't poke holes in shortbread? ›

Piercing the shortbread with a fork is not only for decoration, but it's meant for more even baking. Poking holes in the shortbread allows the heat to penetrate the cookie, hence more even baking. Notice I'm using powdered sugar here. You'll see lots of shortbread recipes using granulated sugar.

Why is shortbread unhealthy? ›

However, lipids, which are a component to food such as shortbread cookies are considered unhealthy because they are the most energetic nutrients in food and are a source of saturated fatty acids (SFA) (usually 40%) and sometimes also trans fatty isomers (TFA) [4,5,6].

What is the difference between Scottish shortbread and regular shortbread? ›

Traditional Scottish shortbread is a simple recipe made with sugar, butter, flour, and salt. Other shortbread styles will include leavening agents like baking powder and baking soda, which makes them crisp instead of crumbly like traditional Scottish shortbread.

How to know when shortbread is done? ›

A good way to check to see if the shortbread is baked is to see if they are set - they will be slightly firm around the outside, and may be just beginning to turn golden around the edges. You want to keep them nice and pale so make sure your oven is running at the temperature it says that it is.

What is the best flour substitute in shortbread? ›

Rice Flour: if you want to get especially adventurous, substitute rice flour for the cake flour – it makes the shortbread even lighter and more crisp.

Why is my shortbread chewy? ›

Undercooked shortbread will be doughy and chewy. Slightly overcooked and it will become chalky, brittle and hard. Is shortbread supposed to be soft when it comes out of the oven? Yes, upon cooling it will firm up.

Why do you put shortbread in the fridge before baking? ›

It comes from using a high proportion of fat (or shortening) to flour and is also where shortcrust pastry gets its name. Why do you put shortbread in the fridge before baking? Chilling the dough before baking will help the shortbread keep their shape while cooking.

Why did my shortbread spread so much? ›

Firstly it's because the butter and sugar have been over creamed and too much air has been incorporated into the mixture. This extra air will expand during baking as it heats in the oven and will therefore make your biscuits spread.

Why did my shortbread cookies come out hard? ›

These proportions make shortbread a lot more dense compared to cookies, which means you could easily end up with shortbread that's hard and crunchy rather than buttery and crumbly. Per Cooktop Cove, this can occur when the dough has either been overworked or not chilled for long enough.

What are the qualities of a successful shortbread biscuit? ›

It's all in the quality of the ingredients. With such a short ingredient list, the quality makes a big difference. The perfect shortbread cookie should be crumbly, but not dry, buttery but not greasy and sweet but not sickly.

What makes shortbread taste like shortbread? ›

According to Food Crumbles, this ratio is what makes shortbread so irresistible as the sugar contributes to the cookies' sweetness and crispness, meanwhile higher amounts of butter add flavor and consistency, while flour binds these two malleable ingredients together.

Why poke holes in shortbread? ›

The word "bread" comes from "biscuit bread" which was made from leftover bread dough that was sweetened and dried out in the oven to make biscuits. Why do you poke holes in shortbread? The holes allow the moisture to escape during baking and more even heat distribution. This helps dry out and crisp up the cookies.

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.